As responsible gun owners, I am sure many of you keep up with the goings on with the ATF. Over the last 18 months, they have attempted to put in place an import ban on certain firearms, enable drastic restrictions on certain types of rifles and now it seems they are focused on what they intend to class as “Armor Piercing Ammunition.” While the stories have largely circled around the “green tip” 5.56 mm ammo, the restrictions as proposed would apply to a much broader array of ammunition, including the 5.7 x 28 mm round popular in many of the FnHerstal products, as well as certain .22 cartridges.
As it has been published, ATF is proposing, contrary to what the current law seems to read, to deny a "sporting purpose exemption" for any “alternative rifle ammunition”, e.g. brass or steel projectile, meeting the legal definition of "armor piercing ammunition" that may be chambered in a "multi-shot" handgun or derringer.
That’s a lot of quotations, but the bottom line is that if a round that meets the armor piercing definition can also be chambered in a handgun that can chamber more than one round, it would be banned under the new rules.
As it has been published, ATF is proposing, contrary to what the current law seems to read, to deny a "sporting purpose exemption" for any “alternative rifle ammunition”, e.g. brass or steel projectile, meeting the legal definition of "armor piercing ammunition" that may be chambered in a "multi-shot" handgun or derringer.
That’s a lot of quotations, but the bottom line is that if a round that meets the armor piercing definition can also be chambered in a handgun that can chamber more than one round, it would be banned under the new rules.
I’m torn here a little bit ... not on the ridiculous nature of the proposal (I am 100% against it!!) ... but on how the ATF gets portrayed in these discussions. Like many government agencies, the ATF has at least two big picture components – (1) the front line folks that most dealers, owners and law enforcement deal with, and (2) the bureaucrats in the home office, mainly in this case, the Attorney General, Eric Holder (Wasn’t he supposed to be quitting last year????). I am pretty sure that every reputable dealer and law enforcement person that you talk to will tell you the front line folks are pretty great across the board. Personally, they have always answered every question I have had, they spend a lot of time on education and have been a real pleasure to deal with. Overall, they very much leave me with the impression that they are on the side of the reputable gun dealer and the responsible gun owner.
Bureaucrats get stereotyped for a reason. Again, I am sure there are some right minded, good hearted shooters working at the home office, but the good gets overshadowed by the bad when they come out with this kind of proposed policy wonkiness.
But, I’m also torn for this reason ... while I’m not a conspiracy nut, do we all remember when they started approving the sale of what are clearly short-barreled rifles to anyone with one eye and half sense, but calling them pistols because of the pistol stabilizing brace, or similar prosthetic-looking device? Now, right on the heels of that, they are saying we need to ban 5.56 “rifle” ammunition, because it can be shot in multi-round “pistols.” Admittedly, you would have to give the bureaucrats a lot of credit for foresight to set this up this way, but it seems way too convenient a coincidence.
So, what do we do?
First, read the actual proposal, not what some blogger on the internet wants you to think it is:
Second, pay attention to the last page of the document above it directs you where you can post your comments to the ATF. IMPORTANT NOTE: ATF cannot take action on implementing a proposal until all comments are addressed ... use that as you will.
Third, don’t panic. YES, there have been some runs in parts of the country on ARs and ammo and magazines and YES, the Eric Holder administration has stated publicly that it wants to implement some landmark “ban” legislation or order before the next election. However, Strong Persuader has green tip 5.56, 5.7 x 28 ammo, ARs and magazines galore. We will not raise our prices like some dealers and we will keep this availability as long as we can hold out. Check out our online inventory of guns and call or email about our ammo and mags.
Fourth, take action. Call or email your senators and congressmen/women. Visit the link below to get details on how to contact your representatives:
Also, for more information about what you can do, visit the National Shooting Sports Foundation's page on this issue:
Keep it in the 10 ring!
- Frank
Bureaucrats get stereotyped for a reason. Again, I am sure there are some right minded, good hearted shooters working at the home office, but the good gets overshadowed by the bad when they come out with this kind of proposed policy wonkiness.
But, I’m also torn for this reason ... while I’m not a conspiracy nut, do we all remember when they started approving the sale of what are clearly short-barreled rifles to anyone with one eye and half sense, but calling them pistols because of the pistol stabilizing brace, or similar prosthetic-looking device? Now, right on the heels of that, they are saying we need to ban 5.56 “rifle” ammunition, because it can be shot in multi-round “pistols.” Admittedly, you would have to give the bureaucrats a lot of credit for foresight to set this up this way, but it seems way too convenient a coincidence.
So, what do we do?
First, read the actual proposal, not what some blogger on the internet wants you to think it is:
Second, pay attention to the last page of the document above it directs you where you can post your comments to the ATF. IMPORTANT NOTE: ATF cannot take action on implementing a proposal until all comments are addressed ... use that as you will.
Third, don’t panic. YES, there have been some runs in parts of the country on ARs and ammo and magazines and YES, the Eric Holder administration has stated publicly that it wants to implement some landmark “ban” legislation or order before the next election. However, Strong Persuader has green tip 5.56, 5.7 x 28 ammo, ARs and magazines galore. We will not raise our prices like some dealers and we will keep this availability as long as we can hold out. Check out our online inventory of guns and call or email about our ammo and mags.
Fourth, take action. Call or email your senators and congressmen/women. Visit the link below to get details on how to contact your representatives:
Also, for more information about what you can do, visit the National Shooting Sports Foundation's page on this issue:
Keep it in the 10 ring!
- Frank